Santiago, Chile
Av. Brasil 153
A friend of mine recommended me this place and I can definietly recommend it to all of you! The clases are small, therefore you can speak a lot and improve your pronounciation. Moreover the competent teachers adapt the speed of the lectures with respect to your knowledge. The office and classrooms are in a calm district of the city, but still pretty central. Thanks to their awesome facility manager, the classrooms and toilets are always clean. Furthermore the language school offers to organise a stay with a chilean family, during your language courses.
Very good program of the Spanish course. Friendly atmosphere, informal study events. Teachers dedicate themselves 100%. Impressive progress at the and of the course.
This institute is very good to learn Spanish. Like a foreigner, from the beginning time, I could speak and understand nothing. But just after 4 months, I can understand, speak quite much. Here, there are some teachers who are very good at explaining grammar, and practicing... Come and see, you will be surprised and satisfied.
The institute is a great place to learn Spanish. I attended several other institutes in Chile but found ICHIL the best. The teachers are committed to the advancement of their students and care about their development! The students are from all parts of the world- Indonesia, Germany, Turkey, Vietnam, Serbia, U.S., Madagascar and all over!!
I have studied here for four months. When i first started spanish, I did not know any spanish. Now I am confident in my spanish thanks to the help of my supportive professors.
Leí el último post y recuerdo con nostalgia las experiencias de 2014, cuando vine a esta escuela con mi nombre típico latinoamericano para aprender a pronunciarlo correctamente y no solo eso. Conocí a un increíble equipo de profesores, con un entorno muy familiar y un trato amistoso. Algo que quedará grabado para siempre en mi mente. Muchísimas gracias. Přečetla jsem si poslední příspěvěk a vzpomínám s nostalgií na zážitky z roku 2014, kdy jsem s mým typickým latinoamerickým jménem přišla do této školy, abych se ho vlastně naučila správně vyslovovat a nejen to. Setkala jsem se s úžasným kolektivem profesorů, velmi rodinným zázemím a přátelským přístupem. Něco co zůstane navždy vryto do mé mysli. Strašně moc děkuji.
El Instituto Chileno de la Lengua ya no funciona en ese lugar. Pertenece a la Corporación Presbiteriana Nacional.
Cours d'espagnol débutant et intermédiaire - 4 semaines/100 heures de cours - mai 2019 Très très bonne expérience de cette école de langue, une équipe de professeurs ultras sympas et ouverts tout en étant très pédagogues. Des cours en petits groupes et personnalisés. Une sortie culturelle par semaine minimum pour découvrir la ville en étudiant la langue. Une très bonne ambiance et une cour ensoleillée pour les pauses et les repas ! Je recommande vivement !
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